Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Easy Street - Part 6 and 7

Monday, I had the day off since our flight from San Antonio, came in late and we didn't get home until 1:30am.  So I spent the day doing some chores and catching up on Easy Street.  

Part 6 was done New Years Weekend. I started Part 6 by sewing the White on Black fabric and cut the 2-1/2" strips then sewed them together.  After that I cut them into 128 3-1/2" blocks.  Part 6 also includes cutting 19 5-1/2" squares and then cutting them diagonally twice to get 64 quarter triangles, but the problem I had was I did not have any more green fabric. So on New Years Eve, I went to Joannes and picked up what I needed to finish the project.  Had that done on New Years Eve,  I also started the layout of Part 7. 

Part 7, starts with taking the flying geese and 64 rectangles we cut in Part 2. Positioning the so that points, point to the rectangles as you combine them to make 2" X 3-1/2" bricks. That was the easy part. 

Next you are going to make 4 pieced triangles, from some of the blocks we have made over the last 6 weeks. These triangles are the smaller ones.  When combining these remember to cut off the dog ears from the triangles, makes it easier to sew the rows together. 

After you get these done, you are going to make 12 larger sets of triangles, the trick is making sure that everything lines up.

They turned out really nice triangle blocks.  Now, I need to print out the final steps of Easy Street that came out on New Years Day as I was traveling.  It starting to come together and I cant wait to get this all done to see what my quilt is going to look like. 


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