Wednesday, January 22, 2014

2013 Designer Mystery Block 8!

The week has been busy! Between a lot of desk work with preparing patterns for proofing and working on transferring content to the new website. Then this last weekend Robert and Myself attended a Floriani Embroidery classes at The Quilters Studio in Fairfax, Va.  They were great classes!  Hope to get a blog our here on it in the next days.  Anyway I had been doing any sewing, and I was getting the sewing itch!  So yesterday, since it was snowing here I decided to is the day to sew.

I just got my new 2013 Designer Mystery Block #8, "Heartfelt Home".  I decide this is what I would work on first.  As the title says it was another house.  

I started out with cutting, all the pieces out, and laying them out where they would be in the block.  This gives you any idea where the stitches are going to be.

Next I started, with the roof!  The main part of the roof has 2- 2 1/2" squares sewn diagonally on both ends to make the roof look like it was slopes.  The top of the was the chimney piece, which was 3 pieces.

Now, was to work on the body of the house.  I started with working with the window and sides of the house, two to make.  They add a new fabric for the windows that was a striped.  Which was a great touch to the house.

The door was next, basically it was 4 blocks sewn together.  The red block was the door, and again there is the 2-1/2" blue polka dot fabric in the middle of the quilt again.

After you have the door way and sides section together. I sewed them into all 3 into one big piece to make the main body of the house.

Then, I sewed the roof and the body together to make the finished block.  

I'm officially caught up with this Block of the Month, now I have to wait until February for the next one to come in the mail.

Today, we are working on website and hoping to do more sewing, since the high here will be only 23 degrees outside.

Stay Warm,


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