Saturday, February 16, 2013

Busy Day!

Today was a very productive and great day, but no quilting got done.  Even though there was no quilting, a lot of preparation to get the business up and running was accomplished.  

This morning was full of cleaning, most of it was my spring cleaning.  I was took down my curtains and washed them.  Also I  used my swifter duster on my walls and high items to get the cobwebs and dust off everything.  What a difference, need to do this more over the next couple weeks.  

After cleaning all morning, we tried to go to a movie with some friends to see Hansel and Gretal, but the movie was sold out. Actually most of the movies were sold out until later this evening, which I think was caused by the cold wet weather.  So we decided to go ahead and get tickets for tomorrow afternoon. Then we went over Staples and looked for a filing cabinet to start getting our financial papers for the business and personal together.  Also we picked up Quick Book's Pro, so we can start getting that setup.    

Tomorrow, I hope to start putting things away in the file cabinets, and get some quilting done, since I have not done much this week.  I have been working on the binding of my son's quilt this week, and just about got it finished.  Thinking this is one of my better binding jobs I have done.  At least, I have Monday off due to the holiday, so I'm hoping to get a lot of sewing done that day.

 Well time to see if I can get more done on this binding before bed!


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