Monday, April 28, 2014

Customer T-Shirt Quilt

The last couple days, I have been busy working on a new customer T-Shirt Quilt.  This Quilt is for a Graduation Present for the customers son.  She has requested for a Standard Double Sashing Queen Size to be made for him.  We are making this with Country Red and Royal Bella Solids fabrics. 

Customer T-Shirt Quilt 3The first couple days were devoted to preparing all the T-Shirts. The first day is preparing the shirts for interfacing and squaring.  First Step is cutting down the sides of the shirts to separate the front and back   from each other. For this Quilt the customer made the process nice for me and marked with a label and the number of where the T-shirt goes in the quilt top.

Customer T-Shirt Quilt 3Next Step,which goes into day 2, then ironing on back of shirt decal being used a piece of interfacing to make the shirt stable so it will not stretch during sewing.  After all the ironing is done, I then square the T-shirts down to a 14 1/2" Square.  Then I go back over each of the shirt with a Iron to make sure the Interfacing is securely on the back. 

Customer T-Shirt Quilt 3I also make 2 four-patch blocks out of  8 pocket decals. Making the 4 patch I square the decals down to a 7 1/2" block and sew them together.

Day 3, Customer T-Shirt Quilt 3for this quilt was preparing the double sashings and corner stones.  I cut  1 1/2" strips and sew them all together.  Then after ironing them open Customer T-Shirt Quilt 3I cut 71-14 1/2" strips from the long strips and use the rest to make the corners stone pieces.  Which are made from 1 1/2" strip and sewn together to make a four patch.  Then sewing the corner stone pieces on the top of the 14 1/2" strips. 

Today will be Day 4, I need to get the quilt top together and start preparing the borders. Well better get this day started if I want to get all this done.

Have a great day of sewing or quilting,

Live, Inspire and Create,


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