Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lack of Post

Keep calm Im BusyI can't believe that is has almost a week since my last blog post, It has been a busy week of work, some was quilt related and others have not been. 

Last Wednesday, My youngest son, came home for a week and half.  He is stationed Denver with the Air Force.  So we have been spending alot of time together.  Thursday, was the start of the busy and crazy week.  We spent the day getting errands done, picking up race packets for the boys to run the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in DC.  Then going to Andrew AFB for a the month Commissary Run to get food to feed the family.

Friday, we started to help my friend with the moving and organizing of stuff in her basement out so my son can take the basement apart.  She has had some water damage in the last couple years and months and some of the wall were starting mildew.   I also spent Saturday over at here house helping get of her stuff out of the basement, while the boys were running the Half Marathon. 

Sunday, was a day of rest for the boys to recover from the run.  But, we go out to Lowes and Home Depot where we picked out to get paint colors for the inside the house.  We spent most of our time looking at flooring, and we have found the nice laminate  and tile flooring we want to put in the house.  We have the primer for the hallway, just need my husband to finish sanding the walls that were repaired, then we can prime the walls for texture.

Yesterday, ended up being a snow day for the federal government and the schools.  So we when over to my friends house and ripped off all the Sheetrock off the walls.  So now, the boys have is the clean up and few other things to do tomorrow. 

But, I have been getting up earlier than the boys and getting alot of business paperwork caught up on. Working on some more Sales!

Today, I am going to sew, while my son is talking to his old JROTC Class at old High School.  He looks pretty handsome in his uniform even if they are just the cami's.  I have 2 more blocks of the month to work on.

Happy Sewing and Quilting!


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