Celtic Solstice Part 3
Since I have been working on quilting my moms beautiful quilt all last week and I still have more to quilt on it this week. I decided this weekend will be devoted on working in my sewing room on the Celtic Solstice Part 3. Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville did the reveal of the mystery on New Year's Day. I was excited to see how the quilt will look. I have been watching Facebook and seeing lots of people finishing their quilts and they look gorgeous. So, this week was devoted to seeing how far I would get on Part 3.
As I started cutting my triangles, my husband asked to help with the cutting. He did all the cutting of the triangles of last years quilt on Easy Street. It was great, to have the help. So I cut all the strips for him, as he cut the triangles. I got ahead of him, so I started to cut the strips for Part 4. He asked me what I was working on so, I should him how to make Part 4, 4-Patches. So, after I showed how, he made a couple, and just kept going. So he is working on Part 4 and I worked part 3. I will blog more on Part 4 later in the week.
After getting him going, I started in on making half-square triangles out of all the triangles he cut. Making 488 half-square triangles out of yellow/gold and oranges. After sewing all some of the half-square triangles together, I pressed to the yellow and trimmed the dog tails off.
After they were all together, I then used the half-squared triangles to make 61 pinwheels. Start with sewing half-squared triangles together, with the yellows opposite each other, right sides together. This makes the half of the pinwheel, once you make a couple you need to press open to the right, making sure you press the same on all of them.

Once press, take one the halves make sure they like this with the orange in the middle top, and take the other half you just made and turn it the opposite way so the orange outer is on the left hand corner and then lay them on top of one another with the right sides together. Press them open, making sure you spin the seams so they will flat.
The finished pinwheel looks like this, and I needed only 61 of these.
The rest of the half-square triangles, need to be set aside for Part 5 of the Celtic Solstice. I finished all Part 3, on Wednesday afternoon plan we plan on finishing Part 4.
It was great having someone to sew with this weekend. Hope you all stayed warm and dry this weekend.
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