Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 Goal Review and 2022 Goals

Happy New Year, everybody! As I wind down the year, I'm looking back on my goals from last year and making some new ones. Then I join my technique pattern editor, Yvonne, who blogs at Quilting Jetgirl, for an Annual Planning Party link-up. 

Let's start with my 2021 goals. 

Looking back on my 2021 goals, I see they shifted a little bit during the year. I set three goals for 2021, the main goal, three secondary goals. Let's look at these goals and how they worked out this year. 

My main goal for the year was to develop an On-Demand Class Library for teaching my patterns and techniques. As the year carried on, it evolved into another approach. Instead of teaching my patterns in an On Demand library, I've developed some exciting and innovative ways to learn Studio 180 Design

In July, I launched Precision Block Academy. It's a monthly video-based class where you learn one Studio 180 Design tool and technique sheet every month. Besides videos, the Academy has more. The members of the program get at least two live coaching sessions, plus a private Facebook group where they can get support from each other. I was so blown away by the response of the first class, and I'm excited to see how many we'll have in the next class when registration opens this month (January) for Launch. Please click here if you want to be put on the next class waitlist. Over the next few weeks, we'll tell you more about the Precision Block Academy.


My first secondary goal was to create a series of patterns that would let fans of Studio 180 Designs tools can practice and develop their skills. We have started working on this goal and will continue for a couple of years. As of this fall, I've launched the first two patterns, Forest Glade and Blooming (pictured) in my Skill Builder Series for the Studio 180 Design Tucker Trimmer. There are several more in the design phase waiting to be developed. 


Another secondary goal was to release more patterns throughout the year. That happened too. In addition to the Skill Builder Series patterns, I released three new patterns. Diamond Serenity, Providence, and a revision of Mountain Snowfall.

The last thing I wanted to do in 2021 was to write a sequel to
Poppin' with Wings book. When I developed Precision Block Academy, this goal just flew out of the window. Since books take so long to develop and write, I needed this time for the Academy and its members. Maybe one day. 

In 2021, I'll have many other accomplishments. They include a new website moving from a difficult and expensive platform to Shopify. It was easier to work with and cheaper in the end.   

This blog was also revived in 2021. On Fridays, I'll post about Studio 180 Design products, tools, and tutorials. And I changed how you get Block Party Blocks. Every month, they come out on the 15th, but you can get them by email through our Special Newsletter. No searching on Facebook.

I also got recertified as a Studio 180 Design Certified Instructor for 3 more years this year! 

2022 goals

I have set up my goals for 2022, many carry over from last year. 

My main goal is to continue with the Precision Block Academy, which will continue throughout the year with more classes starting. Plus, create a second-year course that covers Advanced Lemoyne Star, Wedge Star, and Star 60. 
Secondary goals will start off with more Studio 180 Design companion patterns to be released throughout the year. These patterns will continue my Skill Builder Series patterns. 

My last goal is more personal than business-related. To keep your mind fresh, especially in today's crazy world, this goal should be on everyone's list. It's my goal to take weekends off completely to relax and clear my head. This gives me more time to go camping on weekends. My husband and I are already planning a long-distance trip with our trailer for the fall. In addition, I'll be going on my first retreat next month, where I'll be sewing my heart out. Hopefully, there'll be more trips to come.

I'm going to keep writing my blog in the New Year. Plus, we're developing new Block Party Blocks every month, plus great tutorials on the blocks. 

Let's have a good and safe year in 2022 and take advantage of everything we can. It's not too late to set your goals for 2022. Comment below if your goals for 2022. 


Friday, December 17, 2021

Block Party Block #20 - Ice Flake

It was release week for another fun and exciting Block Party Block. With this month's block, Ice Flakes, we take the Studio 180 Design V Block and Corner Beam units and combine them with the Corner Pop tools. 

This tutorial will show you how to use the Studio 180 Design Corner Pop II to pop the side triangle corner on Corner Beam units.

If you're popping any corners, you need to trim your units to size first. Be sure to read your tool's instructions before you start.

The first thing you've got to do is cut the corner off the Corner Beam unit. To begin with, you'll need to determine which size to remove. This example uses a 2" finished cutaway.  

You will need to find the Cut Away Corner section on the tool, locate the label "Cut Away Corners." Each number represents the finished height of the cutaway line, so we are planning to use the 2" cutaway lines for this tutorial.  

We will begin with a Type 1 cutaway, which is a slant to the left. In Type 1, the units are put on the cutting mat right side up and trimmed down with their wrong sides up.

Now, let's place our Corner Beam unit with the right sides up on your cutting mat. Using the bottom left corner of the Corner Beam unit, align the 2" lines along the sides. Once you have the lines aligned, make a slanted cut. The slant cut will give the seam a proper 1/4" allowance.

Using the cutting chart in the tool instructions, we can find the replacement triangle strip width for a 2" finished unit, which is a 3" strip. To get replacement triangle pairs, fold your strip in half and place it on the cutting mat. Then trim the ends.  

Locate the Replacement Triangle Cut Line. It will be a bold line next to the Cut Away Corners. You will need to place the 3" line at the bottom of your strip as well as the Bold line at the trimmed end. You will need to trim up along the slant to make the first pair of triangles on each side.

Using the top edge of the tool, you will make the next cut for the replacement triangles. Position this top edge of the strip on top of the strip. The first 1/2" dashed line will align with the point of the slant side of the strip. Cut across to the top of the tool. Repeat until you have all the pairs of triangles. 

Placing the slanted left replacement triangle on the left side of the Corner Beam unit is the next step. To do this, flip the triangle over, center it, and stitch it. Then press the seams open.

Reposition the pressed unit on the cutting mat, and place the replacement triangle in the upper right-hand corner. Corner Trim Down Section: Position the corner trim down section and locate the 2" cutting line on the seam of the replacement triangle. Check that the unit is square by using the dashed lines on the tool, then cut the two sides. Leave the unit on the mat.

It is now time to create Type 2 which will slant to the right. The unit will be placed on the cutting mat with the wrong sides up, and the trim will be placed right side up.

Now that the unit is wrong sides up, we have to find the 2" cutaway line again, align the lines on the bottom left corner, and remove the corner. 

Place a slanting right replacement triangle on the side of the unit that you just cut off. Flip the replacement triangle over, right sides together. Then flip the unit and triangle so that the replacement is on the bottom and sew it together. Then press the seam open.

Put the unit down on the cutting mat one more time, right-side up, with the replacement triangle in the upper right-hand corner. Using the same technique as the opposite corner, align the 2" Corner Trim Down line on the seam line. Align the dashed lines to square up the unit. Make the final two cuts.

When you are finished, you will have a beautiful corner popped Corner Beam unit. Try out Studio 180 Design Corner Pop II and III, you will get addicted as I did. Download this pattern for free HERE. Additionally, you can sign up for my email newsletter to receive the Block Party Block every month on the 15th. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Blockbuster 65 Twilight Zone and Geese of a Feather Technique!

Recently, Studio 180 Design released Twilight Zone, its newest blockbuster. This color play block is made with the Wing Clipper® and Square Squared® tools. The only thing else you'll need is the new Geese of a Feather Technique sheet, depending on how you place the flying geese units.  

As I was working on my Twilight Zone block, I decided to write a tutorial on how to make Geese of the Feather.

What is the Geese of a Feather technique

Have you ever wanted four flying geese with all one color on one side and all the other colors on the other side? Well, Deb Tucker has come up with an exciting way to make these flying geese, and it's easy to do. 

Making these units won't be a problem if you know Studio 180 Design's Non-Waste method. Starting with one large square and two small squares of one color and two small squares of color two. The Geese of the Feather Technique Sheet will give you the cut size for these units. Due to the small square sizes being slightly larger than the ones specified in the Wing Clipper® instructions. With them being a bit larger you don't have to worry about them nudging toward the center. 

As soon as you have your squares cut and ready, mark quarter-inch lines on each side of the center diagonal on each small square. Next, you'll cut down the middle of the center diagonal of the lines to make four triangles.

Place your large square right side up on your cutting mat or table. After that, you just need to pick what color you want on the left side of your flying geese. You'll label the left side Color 1 and the right side Color 2. 

Once you decide on your Color 1 and Color 2, we'll put them on the large square. You should start by placing a Color 1 triangle on the top right side with the long edge of the triangle. Next, add Color 2 on the opposite side to make it look like a square. Repeat the process on the bottom half of the square, but this time reverse your colors. Color 2 goes on the right, and Color 1 goes on the left. Once the triangles are lined up, pin them.

Stitch on the lines, cut down the middle, and press toward the small triangles.

Position your unit on the cutting mat or table again. Arrange the rest of the triangles. Pay attention to the colors on the left and right sides. If Color 1 is on your left, put Color 2 on your left. After that, put Color 1 on the left. Repeating the process for the other unit. 
Pin in place.

Then stitch on the lines and cut in the middle. Press towards the small triangles.

You have four flying goose units with all colors on one side. 

Trim the units with a Wing Clipper® tool, according to the instructions. Set up the unit so the point is facing you if you're right-handed, and to your right if you're left-handed. Make sure you line up the diagonal lines on the triangle seams. You should have plenty of space all around. Then trim the first two sides.

Turn the unit 180 degrees and align the previously trimmed edges of the cleaning guidelines and the "X" with the intersection of the seams. Trim the last two sides. You'll have 4 flying geese. You'll need 6 units to make this block.

You'll also need six Square Squared® units to complete this block. I had a lot of fun playing with the colors and how they should be positioned. Try it out and see what you can do with it.  

Also if you wish to learn more about Studio 180 Design, please check out my online classes, called the Precision Block Academy. The next set of classes will start on February 1st. If you sign up for the Waitlist you get priority registration.  

Friday, November 12, 2021

Day 5 - Deb Tucker Studio 180 Design Bellingham Bay Blog Hop

Greetings, and Welcome to the Final Day of the Bellingham Bay Blog Hop! I am Tina Dillard, a Certified Instructor, Author, and Quilt Pattern Designer under Quilting Affection Designs. In addition, I have founded Precision Block Academy, where you can learn and achieve Perfect Points every time with Studio 180 Design tools.

I hope you've enjoyed the Studio 180 Design "Bellingham Bay" Blog Hop. "Bellingham Bay" is Deb Tucker Studio 180 Design's first Original Fabric Collection with Island Batik. This collection is arriving this month at your local quilt shop, so check with your favorite shop. If your shop doesn't have it, request it. Three other Certified Instructors and I are showcasing these beautiful, earth-tone fabrics in quilts. These quilts also feature the Rapid Fire Hunter Star Tool and Studio 180 Design Fundamental tools.

Click on the links below to see and read more about these fantastic quilts.

Day 1 - Studio 180 Design

Day 2 - Terri Welch of Quilter's Journey

Day 3 - Gail Renna of Quilt Haven Threads 

Day 4 - Beth Sidley of Tucker University

Day 5 - Tina Dillard of Quilting Affection Designs

Today, I'm excited to wrap up this blog hop with my quilt. Several elements combine to create this gorgeous quilt. If you are not familiar with my designs, I love to play with the Corner Pop II and III Tools. We were challenged to design a quilt around the Rapid Fire Hunter Star tool and add the fundamental tools. I knew I wanted to add them to my design.

The Bellingham Bay collection is perfect for the Hunter Star Blocks with all the beautiful earth tones in the collection.

Let me introduce you to my quilt, Hunters Point, which is currently under development. This quilt uses several of the Bellingham Bay fabrics to make it stand out. We have a Background, Light, two medium fabrics, and two dark fabrics. 

Many of you will look at this quilt and say that it seems way too complicated to make. This blog will break down each element in the quilt to show that it's not so difficult. Hunters Point uses Studio 180 Design tools: Rapid Fire Petite Hunter Star®, Wing Clipper®, Corner Pop® III, and the Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star®.

Let's Start with the Rapid Fire Petite Hunter Star® tool. For the Hunter Star units, I made up three different color combinations. Each of the units used the same color trapezoids and the star points. What makes each of the Hunter Stars different is the Half Square Triangles. One used just the light fabric, background fabric, and the last units combined the two fabrics.

The next thing I want to show you are the Popped Flying Geese units. These units will bring in some of the Spikey Points to the center of the quilt. These units start by making the Non-Waste Method Flying Geese and trimming them with the Studio 180 Design Wing Clipper®. Then combine the two different units with the points heading north.

Then, I used the Studio 180 Design Corner Pop® III tool and removed the bottom left and right corners. Next, the corners were replaced with a new replacement triangle, dark fabric. After the Replacement triangle was stitched and pressed, I trimmed the replacement triangles with the Corner Pop® III tool. 

Once these units were made, I combined the Hunter Stars and the Popped Flying Geese Units to make the main blocks of the quilt top center.

Once I made four blocks, I needed to add a top and bottom row to finish the quilt.

Now I need to finish the top and bottom with some Lemoyne Star quarter units that I made with the Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star Tool. These units were put in between two Hunter Star blocks. The Lemoyne Star Quarter units allow the point to extend the quilt in different directions.  

The final touches to this quilt were adding the borders to the quilt top. Hunter's Point is now complete.

My longarmer, "The Quilted Ginger," quilted the top with the "60 Degree Triangles by Sweet Dreams using Isacord 5664 thread.

I'm glad you're here today, and I hope you liked the Studio 180 Design Bellingham Bay Blog Hop. I had a blast designing and featuring these original fabrics. You can purchase Hunters Point in the near future. Click here to sign up for my newsletter if you'd like to be notified when the pattern becomes available. Additionally, if you would like to see more of my patterns and my book, "Poppin With Wings," visit my website, Finally, check out my Precision Block Academy to learn how to use Studio 180 Design tools and so much more.

Friday, November 5, 2021

The Studio 180 Design Technique Sheets!

One thing I like about Studio 180 Design is how they expand the ways you can use your tools. Not only through their beautiful pattern but in their Technique Sheets.

Many of you are wondering what a Technique Sheet is? They are single laminated hole punch sheets. Each technique will expand your use of the tools and broaden your skills for more design creativity. Each of the Technique Sheets will provide you with detailed instructions, cutting charts, and drawings.

There are 31 Technical sheets for all Studio 180 Design tools, except for the Rapid Fire Hunter’s Star and the Diamond Rects.

Technique Sheet Header

Let's walk through how to read a Technique Sheet. Start at the top of the sheet, and you will see the name of the Technique Sheet. On the right-hand side of the name, you will see stars in a green ribbon. These stars indicate how difficult the technique will be. The stars range is 1 to 5; the more stars, the more complex the technique is. Next, you will see a purple ribbon. This section includes the name and image of the tool is related to that technique.


Under the title section, you learn how to make that particular technique. Each sheet starts with a brief description of the Technique. Next, you find that there are two sections; Cutting and Process. The cutting section is where you find cutting charts and how to prepare your fabric pieces. The process section is where you will learn how to assemble and trim the units.

The trimming includes images showing you how to align your tool on your units. Note, these images are right-handed only due to space on the sheets.

Downloadable Left-Hand Technique Sheets Diagrams

Additional trimming diagrams for Left-Handers are available. They can be found on the Studio 180 Design Download page on their website.

If you are looking for a way to expand your use of the Studio 180 Design tools. Then check out the Studio 180 Design Technique Sheets. They are a way to learn and broaden your quilting skills.

If you need additional assistance with the Studio 180 Design tools and technique sheets. Then check out the Studio 180 Design YouTube Channel. In addition, you can ask a Certified Instructor in your local area. Finally, check out the Precision Block Academy. This academy is designed to teach you the Studio 180 Design tools and Technique Sheets each month.