Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Island Batik Ambassador Child's Play - A little Help!

This blog post is a little late due to several obligations during the last couple of months.  However, with a little help from my husband, I have finally finished my September, Child's Play quilt challenge.

For this challenge, we were a task to make a crib size quilt using the Accuquilt GO! Block on Board® (BOB®) Dies. I received a Bear Paw BOB Die.

The hardest thing I had to decide was the fabric I was going to use and a fun design to do with the Bear Paw Blocks. Each of the Paws measured 6" when finished.

I decided to make this a scrappy looking quilt using many older Island Batik Fabrics from this and past years, with a neutral background. So I began digging through my stash and then started cutting
using the Accuquilt GO.

Once I had all my pieces cut, I began sewing the half square triangles together.  

 When I had enough half square triangles done, I began sewing them together to make the claws. Halfway through sewing to the claws together,  my project hit a two-week standstill because I ran into some deadlines getting other quilts ready for Quilt Market.

During the last week of September, I was telling my husband that I needed to get my Island Batik Ambassador project done and showed him how much other work I had to get done to prepare for Quilt Market.  He said he would be willing to help if he could by working on the bear paws.

So I set him up on my other Bernina, and he was off stitching all the paws together. 

The next thing I knew, he was setting up the quilt on the display board, and stitching the quilt top together. Once he finished the quilt top I helped him sandwich the quilt together (We used Hobbs Batting) and he quilted it on the Bernina since I don't have a long arm anymore.

Here is the finished project he completed for me and I love the quilting on it.  I have to add that my husband also made and stitched on the binding.  He became my hero for this project.  I think I have opened a new world for him.  He is already picking out his next quilting project.  

Now I need to get my October project complete. 

"Designs to Inspire"


  1. How awesome is that?!! You have a super husband. Your collaborative quilt looks great.

  2. Very colorful! Yay, for your husband! That's love.

  3. Wonderful that your hubby was such a great help. I was thinking he was just going to do the cutting - what a win! Sometimes we just do need help.

  4. Wow, I am jealous of your helper...what a fantastic job...quilt looks wonderful

  5. It looks great scrappy. He's a keeper! I wish I had a helper. ☺

  6. Wow, what a great story, and amazing helper!!!! The quilt is beautiful and I love that the bug has now bitten him! :) Such a fun quilt!
