Saturday, September 14, 2019

Garden Enchantment Block 6, the final block.

Today is a release day for the final block 6 and finishing instructions for the Garden Enchantment BOM.  This Block of the Month has gone really fast when you are as busy as I am right now.  Purchase Block 6/Finishing Instructions HERE!

Block 6 consist of making units that are made from Half Square Triangles, Diamond in a Square and Picket units.

Since we have been making Half Square Triangles and Diamond in a Square unit throughout this quilt, we will be really concentrating on how to make the Picket units in this block post.

Picket units are easy to make.  Let's start with 2 small white squares, Dark Green and Turquoise Rectangles. 

Mark a sewing line corner to corner on the diagonal on the wrong sides of the small squares.   Place the small square on each of the rectangles with right sides together.  Assuring the diagonal for the dark green rectangle starts in the upper left and for the turquoise the diagonal start in the upper right-hand corner. 

Stitch on the drawn lines, trim 1/4" away from the sewn line.

Pressing the Dark Green Picket toward the small triangle, and the Turquoise Picket you will press toward the turquoise.

To trim up the units, position your Wing Clipper® over the unit, aligning one of the long diagonal guidelines on the ruler with a single diagonal seam.  Assuring the appropriate size trim down lines on the tool is inside the oversized unit.  Trim up the first two sides.

Rotate your Picket unit 180° and reposition the Wing Clipper® to align the trimmed raw edge with the unit size and "X" at the top with the sewn seam.  Trim again, up the side and across the top.

For the other Picket unit, position the Wing Clipper®, aligning the "X" at the top with the sewn seam.  Assuring the appropriate size trim down lines on the tool is inside the oversized unit.  Trim the first two sides,  then rotate, align, and trim the second two sides.

See that's how easy the Pickets units are to make. You can now assemble your units together.

To assemble, you will start by sewing the corners and the Pickets together into units.  Once you have units, you need to Layout your block and Stitch the units together.

Your Block is now complete.  You are now ready to assemble your Garden Enchantment Quilt Top together.  Have fun with your assembly as the quilt comes along. 

I look forward to seeing your finished quilt, and I hope you will share your photos on Facebook and Instagram using the #quiltingaffectiondesigns and #gardenenchantmentbom.

"Designs to Inspire"

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