Monday, August 3, 2015

Fabric Treatment for Silhouette

For those of you that own a Silhouette know you need your fabric stiff for cutting step.  Well instead of applying several application layers of starch, I have found a great product that works in one application.

I prepare my fabric for my Silhouette, with Terial Magic Stabilizing Fabric Spray.  This spray allows your fabric to become stiffer, and fray-resistant which you need when working with Applique.  The product is easy to apply in just 3 steps you will have your fabric treated. Terial Magic lasts but is water soluble and can be washed out if needed.

I start by cutting my fabric to size that you need for the cutting mat, but just a little bigger.  I square to final size once the fabric is retreat, just in case shrinkage, which I see very little shrinkage.  

Spray Fabric
Next, I spray the fabric with Terial Magic over a bowl, to catch any drips.  Spray the fabric all over to get a good covering. 
Check for Dry Spots
 Check your fabric for dry spots. If there are any dry spots light spray those areas.
Squeeze Excess Out!
Squeeze any excess spray from the fabric into the bowl. Then hang the fabric until that fabric is almost all dry or completely dry. After the fabric is dry, it is very stiff and needs a good ironing.
Before Ironing

After Ironing
Fusible Web
remove paper backing
After you have ironed the fabric you can apply your fusible web to the back of the treated fabric.  Make sure fusible web is ironed on really well, according to your manufactures instructions. Remove the fusible web paper backing.  Place the fusible fabric with the fusible web facing the mat.  Then let your Silhouette do the cutting.

Below is a great video on how to treat you fabric with Terial Magic.  

How you enjoy!  Do you own a electronic cutter (like Silhouette)? Do you use it for Applique?  If so, I would like to here from you how you treat your fabric.



  1. Neat. I'll have to try it. I don't really use my machines for cutting fabric because it's hard to get the settings and stiffness right. Thanks for sharing

  2. hmm, your the first person I've seen who uses Terial Magic and then uses fusible web. If your using a product like Heat n Bond lite, Wonder Under, Steam A Steam, Misty Fuse, you shouldn't need Terial Magic. I use to use Terial Magic, but for turned edge applique, problem is, TM make the fabric so stiff it's hard to turn it under, you literally have to wet down the edges to turn it under. Until a good solution is found for turn edge applique I don't use my cutter anymore, I just do it the old fashioned way again. With Batiks in particular, one only really needs one application of starch, iron the wonder under on, and put it thru your cutting machine. I'm wondering if you tried to cut without using the TM but ironed the fusible on first.

    1. No, i haven't tried it myself. Now, this technique was recommend to me by my local quilt shop. Due to the have had problems with not getting the fabric stiff enough even with the fusible web on the back. I think one of these days I will test this. Thank you for your comment
