Friday, August 29, 2014

"Let It Snow Man!!" Pattern Tips - Finishing

Today, we will be finishing our “Let It Snow Man!!” pattern, by going over the hat, hair, and borders. 
Let It Snow Man!! Hat TemplateThe next steps are for the Yo-Yo hat and Zig Zag hair.  Note: If you use the optional 2 ½” circle template and hair template, fuse them into place and blanket stitch all the way around.
Now for the Yo-Yo hat and Zig Zag hair. Let’s start making paper templates of the hair and hat, by tracing the patternLet It Snow Man!! Hat Template on a blank piece of paper and then cutting them out.  Then lay the hair templates to the side. 
Using the hat circle template trace and cut out the circle on the back of the fabric you have chosen for the hat.  Let It Snow Man!! Hat TemplateBefore making the Yo-Yo, I suggest taking the hat flower and fusing it onto the hat fabric and using a blanket stitch, sew around the flower edge.  Next fold the raw edge of the circle approximately ¼” in toward the wrong side of the fabric. Then with a needle and thread with a heavy knot at the bottom, use a long running stitch with medium stitches, sew near the folded edge of the circle.  Do not cut threat at the end.  Let It Snow Man!! Hat TemplateGently pull on the thread ends to gather the fabric circle, to make a 2 ½” circle. 
Now that the Yo-Yo hat is made, position it on your quilt top where it should go.  Then slide the hair template under the hat.  With an erasable marking tool trace around the hat and the hair template.  This will get you an idea to where you will sew the Zig Zag Stitches for the hair. Let It Snow Man!! Hat TemplateRemove the hat and hair template and set aside.
Note before you begin the Zig Zag Stitches, I suggest with a Let It Snow Man!! Hairseparate small piece of fabric sew a line of stitches at varies widths and lengths to find the right size.  I use a 3.0 width and a 2.5 length.  Let It Snow Man!! HairThis will vary on different sewing machines.  Also suggest using the hair diagrams in the pattern instructions.  Start with a thin layer of Zig Zag stitches all around the trace template area, in straight lines.  Begin and end each of the stitches like you did in machine applique by tucking the ends underneath under a few stitches.  Let It Snow Man!! HairOnce you have a thin layer of Zig Zag Stitches, you can go back and fill in bare spots with more stitches that are different width and lengths if you want.  In my project I used a different thread color to add some highlights to the hair.  I used a Brown-Black Rainbow Thread by Superior.  I suggest, as you finish, lay the hat on the hair to make sure it is to your liking.  Let It Snow Man!! Hair and HatOnce you are done with the hair, press the quilt top to make sure there is no puckering. 
Next, place the hat in its correct location and sew a blanket stitch all around the hat to complete the girl.  Let It Snow Man!! Hair and HatNow time for the borders.  Press once again to make sure everything is lying flat.  Trim the Background to a 16 ½” x 17” rectangle.
Assemble the 3 borders, following the directions with the top and bottom first and the right and left sides.  Once your borders are on, will finish be adding the Snowflakes and dots following the Pattern Diagram.  Fuse and sew them on with blanket stitches.  Let It Snow Man!! FinishedAfter they are all sewn on then press again to make sure no wrinkles and finish the Quilt as desired.

Other Blogs in this Series:

"Let It Snow Man!!" Pattern Tips – Preparing

"Let It Snow Man!!" Pattern Tips – Fusing Webbing

"Let It Snow Man!!" Pattern Tips – Pattern Pieces and Background

“Let It Snow Man!!” Pattern Tips – Machine Applique

“Let It Snow Man!!” Pattern Tips – Finishing


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