Friday, May 24, 2019

Graceful Points QAL Block 9

Welcome back to the Graceful Points QAL it is amazing how time fly's by when we are having so much fun. Today we are releasing Block 9, which uses the Corner Beam® tool and introduces you to the Sliver Technique Sheet.

Block 9 is called in the Studio 180 Design Blockbuster #12 "Double Trek."  For this block, we will be using the BG, C3, and C4 fabrics, so please refer to your color chart found in your general instructions. You will also want to download Block 9 and Blockbuster #12 "Double Trek" Instructions, both are required to make your blocks.

Please remember that the pictures used in this tutorial are for the 6" block for the Wallhanging.  Be sure to read the Downloaded Block Instructions to get the correct cutting and trimming sizes for the 12" block, which are indicated in (Blue) parenthesis.

Let's get started by getting familiar with the Corner Beam tool.  

If you are new to the tool, I suggest checking out the Studio 180 Design Corner Beam Fundamentals YouTube Video, to get you started with the basic understanding of the Corner Beam® tool.

Unit A Corner Beam Unit

Center Beam

We are going to start off by cutting the center of our Corner Beam first. We will be using C4 fabric squares.  

Right Handed

Left Handed

Place your squares on your cutting mat.  Position the Corner Beam® tool so the dashed line labeled "Center Beam Trim #1" and the Finished Unit Line with the other edge of your fabric square.  Trim along the slanted edge of the tool.

Right Handed

Left Handed
Next, lift and Reposition the Corner Beam® tool, aligning the dashed line labeled "Center
Beam Trim #2" with the previously trimmed angle. 

Cut 2 Center Beams

Side Triangles

Right Handed

Left Handed
Gather your BG strips.  Position the 
Corner Beam® tool on the strip so that the Bold line labeled "Side Triangles Trim #1" aligns up against the trimmed end of the BG Strip and the Finished line against the bottom of the strip.  Trim along the slanted edge of the tool.

Right Handed

Left Handed
Rotate your tool, one quarter turn counterclockwise.  Positioning the line labeled Side Triangle Trim #2, against the slanted edge on the previously trimmed edge, making sure the bottom of your strim is lined up along the second trim line and Trim.

Cut 2 Side Triangle Pairs.

Arrange your Side Triangles and Center beam pieces. Assuring the short end and the angles align with the Center beam.

Position a side triangle onto the Center Beam placing them right sides together, assuring to offset the tip of the center beam about 1/4" above the side triangle.   Stitch the center beam on top of the sides triangle with a 1/4" seam allowance.  Press seams toward the side triangles.

Position the other side triangle on the other side.  Stitch with a 1/4" seam and Press seam toward the side triangles.  

Position the unit on your cutting mat.  Right-hand cutters place your point of the corner beam right side (see above) and Left handed cutters place the point of your corner beam to the right side.  

Aligning the "Seam Line Placement" guidelines with the diagonal seams of your unit.  Trim the two sides.

Rotate your Corner Beam unit 180°.  Making sure to align up the Finished size guidelines and the seam intersection nests in the "V" and the corner to corner diagonal seams fall right along with the points of the "V"s.  Trim the remaining sides of the units.

Make 2 Coner Beam units.

Unit B Sliver, Slant Rights

The Sliver units start with making four Half Square Triangles, as we have done with other blocks in the past.  Press the seams toward the background fabric. This time you Do Not need to Trim the units.  

Next, you will cut the two Side Triangle pairs as you did with the Corner Beam units.

Slant Right

Place the HST Unit so the wrong side is facing up.  Position the Corner Beam® tool so that the Dashed line labeled "Center Beam Trim #1" aligns up against the cutaway corner of the C3 fabric of the HST unit and Finished Unit line on the other edge of the C3 fabric square.  Trim along the slanted edge of the ruler.

Stitch the Side Triangle into the cutaway corner, lining up the raw edges and matching them corner to corner.  Press seams toward the C4 along the slanted edge of the ruler.

Position the unit on your mat with right side facing up.  Place the Corner Beam® tool on the unit.  Align one of the "Seam Line Placement" guidelines with the sewn seam between the sliver and added a side of the triangle, the crosshairs at the seam intersection and the "V" on the other sewn seam.  Trim the first two sides of your pieced unit.

Rotate the unit 180° and trim the remaining side of the unit.  Make sure that you align up the guidelines and making sure the seam intersection nestles in the size "V" and the corner to corner diagonal seams falls right along with the points of the "V"s. 

Make 2 Slant Right units.

Unit B Sliver, Slant Left

Place the HST unit so the Right side is facing up.  Position the Corner Beam® tool so that the Dashed line labeled "Center Beam Trim #1" aligns up against the cutaway corner of the C3 fabric of the HST unit and Finished Unit line on the other edge of the C3 fabric square.  Trim along the slanted edge of the ruler.

Stitch the Side Triangles into the cutaway corner as done with the Slant Right.  Press seams toward the side triangles.

Position the unit on the mat. Align the Position the Corner Beam® tool "Seam Line Placement" guidelines with the sean seam between the sliver and added side of the triangle, the crosshairs at the seam intersection and the Finished size "V" on the other sewn seam.  Trim the first sides.

Rotate the unit 180° and trim the remaining sides of the unit.

Make 2 Slant Left units.


Now that you have all your units complete, its time to lay out Block #9.  Please follow Blockbuster page Download to make sure you lay out the units correctly.  Double checking you have the correct placement of all your units.

Block 9, "Double Trek" is now complete, I look forward to seeing your Blocks, and I hope you will share your photos in the comments section below or on the Graceful Points Facebook Group.  Additionally, you can post your blocks on Facebook or Instagram making sure to use the #gracefulpointsqal and/or #quiltingaffection designs.  I can't wait to see your blocks.

On Friday, June 7th will be the release date for our next block. In our next block, we will be using the Corner Pop® tool.  You can purchase them on my website.

"Designing to Inspire"

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