Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Journey to Nebula Quilt Along - Seaside - Cutting Star 60 way


Are you participating in the Journey to Nebula Quilt Along that started today. I am but I'm doing this a little different from a lot of you, I'm using the Studio 180 Design Star 60 tool.  

I thought it would be fun to show you how easy it is to cut the pieces out with the Star 60 tool. The Star 60 tool will cut Diamonds, Hexagons, Half Hexagons used in the Journey to Nebula Quilt Along. One thing I love about the Studio 180 Design tools is that they are designed for Right and Left Handed Quilters, plus they can make multiple sizes. 

Today, we started with the Seaside pattern.  I will be showing you how I cut this out with the Star 60 tool.  For this pattern I will be using the Island Batik "Islander Batik" Collection from the Summer 2019 I had left over.   

I picked 5 different colors from the 2 1/2" Pre-cut strips I had in the package. 

From my background fabric, I cut 7- 2 1/2" strips from the WOF of the fabric.

Right Handed 

Left Handed

Now we can start cutting the diamonds from the strips. Start by laying out the strip flat right sides up on your mat. Trim off one of the short edges at a 60° on the strips. 

Right Handed

Left Handed

With the end trimmed, which gives us a 60° angle to start cutting from the strip.  I now need to find what my tool guideline size is for the 2 1/2" strips. To find this guideline number, I need to use the Basic shape Cutting Chart found in the Star 60 instructions.  I located the Diamond Strip size of 2 1/2" and moved over one column to find the Diamond Sub-cut guideline, which is the 4 1/2".

 I then located the guideline on my Star 60 tool and aligned the 4 1/2" guidelines along the raw edges of the strip. From there I made my angle cut from this alignment.

Right Handed

Left Handed

Then continued cutting in the same manner until all my diamond were cut.

After I made my first cut, I verified that the diamond was the exact as the template piece in the Seaside pattern, and found it matched it completely. 

I continued to cutting all my background and featured diamond shapes out.  I love how easy they are to cut out and now I'm ready to start stitching all these pieces together to make this table runner together.

Stay tuned, I will posting the final product next Monday. I hope you will enjoy the Journey to Nebula Quilt Along as much I will.



  1. I too plan on using the Star 60 tool for these projects. I thought your tutorial was very thorough. Thanks for doing this!

  2. I also want to this with the Star 60 tool as I love Deb Tuckers tools, where will you be posting

  3. Does this tool also have a marking to cut off the corners for accurate matching when sewing?

  4. Yes, I demonstrate this technique in my next blog post, Assembly https://quiltingaffection.blogspot.com/2020/09/journey-to-nebula-quilt-aong-seaside.html
