Thursday, October 11, 2018

Rainbow Serenade Quilt Along Week 3

Week 3 is here in the Rainbow Serenade Quilt Along.   Here is Week 3's Video:

Last time, we were preparing for Units 2 and 3, steps 1-3.  Today, we will be finishing up the final couple steps.

I want to start by saying this is a very complicated pattern to write and I had several testers on this pattern, and even the testers could get caught all the errors.  As I was making the final steps for this QAL, I notice some pressing mistakes in Step 3 that I would like to point out for the Small HST Triangles.  I have corrected them in the pattern and have uploaded the pages to my correction page, HERE.  Please fix the press before Starting the final steps.

Step 4 - Adding Corner 1

Let's get started now with the adding the first corner to our units.  So I'm working with the Black / Azure / Wine combination set.  Using your unit down on the mat, you will use your Corner Pop® tool you will be Cutting Away 2" Corner from the Wine triangle side. 

Now that all the 2" pieces have been cut away you will then replace them with the Azure / Mint Small HST Triangles from Step 3. 

Please pay close attention to which half of the small HST you are using.  Make sure the Azure matches up on the same side of the Azure on the Combination Unit as pictured above.  

You will stitch in the HST in place.  Making sure you line up the center, and please remember to not to pull and tug on the long bias of the small triangle unit as you are sewing.  Press the units toward the wine strip.  Trim using your Corner Pop® tool using the 2" Corner Trim Down Section as we did in Week 1.   

Repeat all the steps on pages 6-7 in your pattern to add the first corner, before starting adding Corner 2 units.

Step 4 - Adding Corner 2

Now we are going to change the opposite bottom corner.  Please be careful and pay close attention to the corners you are replacing.  You will  never cut away from any of the black portions of the units.  Again you will be Cutting Away 2" from the inner corners, as seen above.

You will be replacing with Wine / Dream small HST Triangle unit.  Please remember to match up the wine colors of the units.  These units will nest together if you have corrected the pressing on these units.  Stitch the units together and be careful to not pull and tug on the bias edge of the triangle.

Next, Press your units away from the new triangle unit.  Note: you units will be slightly oversized. You will trim again using your Corner Pop® tool as we did in the first corner.

You will repeat for all the colors on page 8 & 9 of your pattern to finish all your blocks for Unit 2 and 3. 

Please remember to keep everything together and organized. Now Units 2 & 3 are complete in two weeks will finish up making our units with Unit 4.

Please remember if you have questions, please post them in the comment section below, you can also refer to the video above.

Week 4 of the Rainbow Serenade QAL will be 10/23 at 2:30 pm EST for the Facebook Live and the blog will be posted on 10/25.

If you would like to participate in the Rainbow Serenade QAL, you can purchase the pattern (also find the yardage requirements) HERE and Purchase the Studio 180 Tools HERE.  

Happy Sewing!


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