Thursday, August 23, 2018

Studio 180 Design Corner Pop Tool!

This week’s Quilt Talk Tuesday continued getting you ready for the Rainbow Serenade QAL which starts September 11th. The focus was to give you a better understanding of the Studio 180 Design Corner Pop® Tool and to provide a sneak peek to one of the units, you will be making in the QAL. 

The Studio 180 Design Corner Pop® tool is an excellent tool for adding fabric corners to basic shapes and blocks successfully every time.  The tool was designed to give you perfect filled four corners with less waste.  You can apply this tool to any unit or block that you want to add color to, by just referring to the tool’s instruction cutting chart.  

Initially, you would use the folding corners method, where you would layer small squares on a big square, then you would have to mark each of the small squares and stitch them to the larger square. Then when finished, hope it lines up correctly so it doesn't come out crooked or the wrong size.  This was both wasteful of time and fabric.  

With the Corner Pop® tool, you will only have to trim rather than a mark by add an oversized replacement triangle and then square everything to a perfect size.  The tool has twenty-two different sizes options, which include whole, half and quarter inch increments.  

Find out more about the Corner Pop® Tool by watching this video from this weeks Quilt Talk Tuesday.

Rainbow Serenade QAL

The Quilt Along will Start September 11th and will run for about 4 months. I will be demonstrating each step of the process by making the units and blocks every Second and Fourth Tuesday at 2:30 pm EST, on my Facebook page. You can find the link to my Facebook page HERE

Not on Facebook, no problem, all the Facebook Lives are recorded, and I put them on my YouTube Channel so you can subscribe HERE so you don't miss an episode. Plus you can follow along with my blog post on Thursdays.

Also, over the next couple weeks on QTT, I will be preparing you for the QAL, with discussions on how to use the tools and other Tips. So you don’t want to miss a thing.

I hope you will join me on this Quilt Along. If you have any question about this Pattern or Quilt Along, please post in the comments section below.

See you next week,


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