Yesterday, in my blog, I reflected on my goals of 2019, what I accomplished, and what got neglected. So today, I want to share my 2020 and beyond goals.
My personal goal for this year is to become physically and mentally fit. I will start by continuing my healthy eating program, Isagenix. But I will add in daily exercise to help clear my mind, build strength to help make it through the stressful time of the Quilt Markets. I also want to find some personal development podcasts and audible books for more personal development. Also, to find more time for myself, schedule time off to go on vacation with my husband, and weekend hikes.
My Business goals will also benefit significantly from my personal goals.
Let’s start with long-term business goals that will take a couple of years to develop: Starting with continuing to build my name as a quilt pattern designer in the quilting world. Next, I will continue to find ways to work with different Fabric Companies. I would also like to continue to build my business into a profitable company. Lastly, I want to grow my lecture and workshop offerings.
In 2020, I will continue to work on my Social Media, Blog, and Newsletter presents as short-term goals. In doing this, I plan to schedule daily Social Media posts that will feature information on my projects, personal and happenings. Also, work on getting back into Facebook Lives. In my blog, I plan to develop a weekly blog post. Finally, my newsletters, I would like to include tips and much more to make them both educational and exciting.
Another short-term and ongoing goal is to develop more patterns that use both the Studio 180 Design and Sue Pelland Designs tools that are exciting and eye-catching. These patterns will combine piecing and applique to create fun and exciting designs that will feature just a couple of tools as much as possible. Another goal for these patterns is to design them so they can be teachable quilts for shops.
I want to finish this blog post with a big thank you to all my blog, newsletter, and social media followers, if it weren’t for you, I would not be where I am.
I hope you all have a wonderful and healthy 2020.
"Designs to Inspire"
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