Friday, July 19, 2019

Graceful Points QAL Block 13

Today, we are introducing Block 13 - Blockbuster #22 - Square Dance in the Graceful Points QAL, which means we have only 2 blocks left before we finish.   

The above image shows all the blocks we have completed so far.  Which means that we have most of the blocks around the center done. We just have a couple of fill blocks to complete before we tackle the last block.

For this block we will be making Flying Geese (Wing Clipper), Square Squared and square units to complete this block.  We will be using the BG, C2, and C4 fabrics, so please refer to your color chart found in your general instructions

Make sure you download both of the Block 13 and Blockbuster #22- Square Dance" Instructions, which are required to make your blocks.

Please remember that the pictures used in this tutorial are for the 6" block for the Wallhanging.  Be sure to read the Downloaded Block Instructions to get the correct cutting and trimming sizes for the 12" block, which are indicated in (Blue) parenthesis.

Flying Geese

We are going to start off with making the Flying Geese. We have not made Flying Geese in a while, so let's do a quick review. 

Start off by gathering your small and large squares for your flying geese units.  Please remember 4-small squares and 1-large square will equal 4 flying geese units.  Then by using your Quilter's Magic Wand, mark two stitching lines that are 1/4" from the center diagonal on the wrong sides of the small squares.  Hint: use a thin pencil lead or pen.

Position two small squares diagonally in opposite corners on a large square.  

Hint: Please remember to nudge each small square toward the center about 3 or 4 threads from the raw edge of the large square.

Stitch on the drawn lines, then cut apart between the stitching on the center diagonal. Press the small triangles away from the large triangles.

Position one small square to each triangle unit.  Again please remember to nudge in 3 to 4 threads from the raw edge of the larger triangle section.

Stitch on the drawn lines, then cut apart between the lines of the stitching on the center diagonal and Press the seams toward the outside.

Right Handed

Left Handed
Align the diagonal guidelines of the Wing Clipper® I with the seams of the Flying Geese unit.  Centering the tool over the size specified in your directions. Trim the side and across the top.

Right Handed

Left Handed

Rotate your flying geese unit 180° and reposition the Wing Clipper® I to align the previously trimmed raw edge size and "X" at the top with the intersections of the seams.  Trim the remaining sides again.

Make all the Flying Geese in your Block 13 instructions.

Square Squared Units

Now we are going to make the Square Squared units.  Please remember to refer back to your pattern instructions and gather your squares.

Right Handed

Left Handed

Using your Center Square Section of the Square Squared® tool over the strip.  Place your tool on the trimmed edge of the strip, lining up the corner of the strip with the center to the correct finished size. Trim up the side and across the top of the strip.

Take your BG and C2 squares and cut them on the diagonal once to yield two triangles per square.

Position 2 BG  triangles on opposite sides of the trimmed center square. Stitch the two triangles with the square on top of the triangle with your best 1/4" seam.  Press away from the center.

Right Handed
Left Handed
Position the remaining BG and C2 triangles on the sides of the center square.  Again remember to place the square on top of the triangle when stitching with a 1/4" seam allowance. Press seams away from the center.

Next using the Square Squared® tool, line up the X's for the 2" and make your first trim.

Right Handed

Left Handed
Rotate your Diamond in a Square Unit and reposition the Square Squared tool and the two remaining sizes.

Repeat to make 4 Square Squared units.


Now that all your units are made it is time to stitch this block together.

Your Block 13-Blockbuster #22 Square Dance is now complete. I look forward to seeing your Blocks, and I hope you will share your photos in the comments section below or on the Graceful Points Facebook Group.  Additionally, you can post your blocks on Facebook or Instagram, making sure to use the #gracefulpointsqal and/or #quiltingaffection designs.  I can't wait to see your blocks.

Come back on Friday, August 2nd for block 14, where we will be introducing the Four Square Patch up tool and making Flying Geese again.  

"Designing to Inspire"

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