Thursday, September 27, 2018

Rainbow Serenade Quilt Along Week 2

How did you do with Week 1, in the Rainbow Serenade, did you get your units finished?  If you missed Week 1, you can read about it here.

In Week 2, of the Rainbow Serenade QAL, we are starting on Unit 2 and 3, working on only Steps 1 - 3.  We will be leaving Steps 4 and 5 for the next part of the QAL. 

You can watch the Video below:

In Week 2, we start with Step 1 for Unit 2 and 3, and the making of more Half Square Triangles. Remember, you don't have to Trim at this point.

Once you have all your HST made it, its time to cut the 5 1/2" squares to turn all the HST into Combination Units in step 2.

Please remember to press according to the directions in the pattern and also keep your units organized.  All your units will be need trimmed at this point also.

In Step 3, you will have to make more HST units, but they will be smaller units at a 3 1/2".  These smaller HST units will be used in Steps 4 and 5, that we will discuss in two weeks. 

Please remember to again press according to arrows in the instructions and trim the units to 3 1/2".

Once you have all your units made you will then need to sub cut them diagonally across the seam, to form triangles.  

Keep everything together and organized will help you with the next Steps. 

Well, that's it for Unit 2 & 3. Please remember if you have questions, please post them in the comment section below, you can also refer to the video above.

Week 3 of the Rainbow Serenade QAL will be 10/9 at 2:30 pm EST for the Facebook Live and the blog will be posted on 10/11.

If you would like to participate in the Rainbow Serenade QAL you can purchase the pattern (also find the yardage requirements) HERE and Purchase the Studio 180 Tools HERE.  


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